主要销售 , 进口焊条 , 进口焊丝 , 国产 , 焊条 , 焊丝

牌号德国UTP 6824 LC焊条不锈钢焊条E309L-17报价

utp 65 d

rutile coated austenitic-ferritic­special electrode with high mechanical properties for joinings and surfacings.

utp 66

basic coated electrode for 12-14%cr steels

utp a 66

rods and wires for 14 % cr -steels

utp 67 s

basic coated hardfacing electrode for cold working tools,core wire alloyed

utp 68

stabilized electrode for crni steels

utp a 68

rods and wires for stabilized crni steels

utp 68 h

fully austenitic crni electrode for temperature resistant steels

utp a 68 h

rods and wires for heat and scale resistant crni-steels

utp 68 hh

basic coated, fully austenitic nicr-stick electrode, universally applicable.

utp 68 kb

basic coated electrode for crni steels with a controlled ferrite content

utp 68 lc

low carbon electrode for crni steels

utp a 68 lc

rods and wires for crni steels

utp af 68 lc

low carbon crni flux cored wire with rutile slag

utp 68 mo

stabilized electrode for crnimo steels

utp a 68 mo

rods and wires for stabilized crnimo steels

utp 68 molc

low carbon electrode for crnimo steels

utp a 68 molc

rods and wires for crnimo steels

utp af 68 molc

low carbon austenitic crni flux cored wire with rutile slag

utpup 68 molc/up fx 68 molc

combination of wire and flux for stainless steel alloys

